lunes, 16 de noviembre de 2015


AICLE Didactic Unit
The body
Course/ Level
2nd Course Primary Education
Natural Science
Iker De Arriba Otero
Subject Content
-Parts of the human body
-Identify the parts in which the human body is divided.
-Name the main parts of the human body.
-Know and develop some healthy habits.
 Language Content / Communication
Body parts:
-Head: face, ear, nose, eye, mouth
-Trunk: Thorax, abdomen
-Upper limbs: arms, hands, elbow
-Lower limbs: legs, knee, feet.
-What is this? This is….
-What are these? These are…
-Where is your…?
-Where are…?
-Is- are
Discourse type
-Classify the differents parts of the body
-Identify the different parts of the body.
-Describe, name and write the parts of the body
Language skills
Listening, speaking, writing and reading
 Contextual ( cultural ) element
Contextual (cultural) element
-Social well-beaing and socio-cultural integration.
 Cognitive (Thinking)
 Cognitive (thinking) processes
-Education for health through the knowledge of our body.
 Tasks / Activities
 (a) Task(s) /
-Classification of the different parts of the human body
-Classification of different images related to the different parts of the human body.
-Oral exposition about the parts of the body.
-Listening and watching of video.
 (b) Activities
Organization and class distribution / timing
Organization and class distribution: Flexible depending on the activity: Individual, pairs, small and big group.
Timing: 5-7 lessons approx.
Resources / Materials
Websites, images, audios, videos, books
Key Competences
-Basic competence in science: Know your body and its part.
-Linguistic competence: Acquire basic vocabulary related to your body.
-Civic and social competence: Be respectful with the physical differences.
-Learn to learn: Develop habilities to learn, memorize and organize the information.Appreciate the fact of getting knowledge about ourselves. Aprecciate healthy habits.
-Digital competence: Play computer games to learn
 Evaluation ( Criteria and instruments)
Evaluation (criteria and instruments)
-Know and identiy properly the main parts of the body
-Develop abilities to memorize, organize and relate contents.
-Develop self evaluation abilities.
-Activities/ Tasks
-Involvement of the student in daily tasks
-Attitudes towards the subjects




ACTIVITY 1. Watch and listen  a video-song related to the parts of the body.




This video/songs is also available in my symbaloo resources website:



ACTIVITY 2. Look at the following pictures and draw your own body. Then ask your partner pointing the different parts of the body (use these sentences):


What is this? This is the head

What is this? This is the trunk

What are these? These are the upper limbs/ lower limbs


The body is divided into 3 main parts : Head, trunk and limbs ( upper limbs and lower limbs)


                                               UPPER LIMBS               





                                               LOWER LIBMS

ACTIVITY  3 .  Classify the images or flashcards


Different pictures or flashcards (see below) corresponding to the three main parts of the human being (head, trunk and limbs) are displayed on the board. Pupils have to classify them:









            FOOT                         LEG                ARM               HAND





            FACE  EAR, NOSE, EYE, MOUTH, NECK                   ABDOMEN, THORAX



More flashcards are available in this link:



This website is also available in my symbaloo resources website:



ACTIVITY 4 .  Listen, look and touch your own parts.



This video is also available in my symbaloo resources website:



ACTIVITY 5 .  Ask and answer your partner about the body using the following kind of sentences and replies. Touch the parts of the body while replying.


  • Where is ……? …… is here
    ACTIVITY 6 .  Look and write in the right place                                    
                            EYE                EAR                NOSE NECK MOUTH
    ANKLE           HIP     KNEE  SHOULDER   ELBOW          WRIST
    ACTIVITY 7. Read and match
    NOSE                                                            HEAD                                                           
    ARMS                                                            TRUNK
    FEETS                                                                      LIMBS
    ACTIVITY 8. Play games and do exercises related to the parts of the body
    See these links:
    This resources are also available in my symbaloo resources website:
    ACTIVITY 9. Speak about your body in pairs. For example:
    Ask your partner about any part of the body using this sentence:
    Where is ….?
    Reply using this kind of answer:
    My….is  here (touch also the part of your body )
    EXTRA ACTIVITY ( Relationship between BODY and healthy habits)
    ACTIVITY 10. Look at following healthy habits. Write them in your notebook and then play with your partner the following game:  Guess the healthy habit that each partner is role playing with gestures.
                    EAT HEALTHY FOOD ( fruit, vegetables, milk, cereal, fish)
    WASH YOUR HANDS            BRUSH YOUR TEETH                  HAVE A SHOWER

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